amunjal | Posts: 30

Having two onespan accounts configured on salesforce

1 votes

We want to have configured branding for two accounts so thinking to have separate accounts. 

Question is :

  1. Can we configure two account API Keys in salesforce,
  2. If yes, how can we do that? 
  3. How do we specify which one to use and when?

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Having two onespan accounts configured on salesforce

0 votes

Hi amunjal,


Unfortunately multiple accounts is not natively supported in APEX SDK. But you can easily achieve it by adjusting the source code.

Check the APEX Class OneSpanSDK.cls and  OneSpanRESTAPIHelper.cls


public OneSpanSDK()


helper = new OneSpanRESTAPIHelper();




public OneSpanRESTAPIHelper()




private void setSettings()




connectionSettings = OneSpan_Connection_Settings__c.getInstance('Main');

if(connectionSettings.Endpoint__c.equals('') || connectionSettings.API_Key__c.equals(''))




catch(Exception e)


throw new OneSpanRestAPIHelperException(

'Error in retrieving the OneSpan Custom Settings. Please verify you have the below set up:\n '

+ 'Custom Setting API Name: OneSpan_Connection_Settings__c, Custom Setting Record Name: Main'+e.getMessage());



Instead of hardcoding the custom settings instance "Main" and passing in the value when initiating the OneSpanSDK object should accommodate your requirement.



amunjal | Posts: 30

Reply to: Having two onespan accounts configured on salesforce

0 votes

Thanks Duo, appreciate the response.

We will take care of it.

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