nhill40 | Posts: 40

Help understanding auto-populate fields

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I need some help figuring out how to auto-populate fields in our documents (i.e. fields that auto-fill upon signature). So, I've been able to add an auto-populating date field to one of our documents using this JSON: { "binding": "{approval.signed}", "validation": null, "id": "mKOpnLGSlY0Q", "page": 0, "height": 50, "subtype": "LABEL", "width": 200, "top": 250, "left": 175, "extract": false, "extractAnchor": null, "data": null, "value": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss 'GMT'", "name": "", "type": "INPUT" } This all works just fine - as expected, I get an auto-populating date field. Presumably, this is because of what I've specified in the "value" field - eSignLive sees that this is a date format and knows I want a date field. But this is where my confusion comes in - we have a requirement to also auto-populate the signer's title (if available). When I reference this documentation - http://docs.esignlive.com/content/c_integrator_s_guide/sdk/e_preparing_documents/fields.htm - I see that "Signer's Title" is one of the available options, but I'm struggling to find any documentation that shows what I would need to alter in my above example JSON to switch this from a date field to a title field. Could someone please help point me in the right direction? Thanks, Nick

mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: Help understanding auto-populate fields

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Hey Nick, Sorry you weren't able to find anything on this. For the title, the JSON would look something like the following:
  "data": null,
  "height": 50,
  "left": 250,
  "name": "",
  "page": 0,
  "subtype": "LABEL",
  "top": 280,
  "type": "INPUT",
  "value": null,
  "width": 220,
  "binding": "{signer.title}"
I'll be sure this gets put into one of the Guides on the DevSite if it doesn't exist already.

nhill40 | Posts: 40

Reply to: Help understanding auto-populate fields

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Cool, thank you for the info! I did find some documentation for how to add these fields in the UI, but not the API equivalent (that's not to say it's not out there, I just wasn't able to turn it up). In hindsight, I could have manipulated the document via the UI and then used the API to see how it impacted the JSON.

mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: Help understanding auto-populate fields

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You're very welcome. You could definitely have done that, but we don't want to make you have to do that. We'll make sure it's documented somewhere in there. :) Let us know whenever you have questions!

nhill40 | Posts: 40

Reply to: Help understanding auto-populate fields

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Is there a way to convert an {approval.signed} date to (our) local time, or is GMT our only option?

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