nareshishere | Posts: 74

how to change the sender email like [email protected] without first name and last name

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Hi ,

How to change the sender email like [email protected] without first name and last name because it has been sending mail to customers like with my email id , first name and last name .

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: how to change the sender email like [email protected] without first name and last name

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Hi there,


Essentially, all signers/senders have to have first name and last name. However, if you want to hide personally information from the emails (subject, body, reply-to, cc/bcc), it's possible to configure at your account level. If you can share a screenshot and elaborate your requirement a little bit, I can have a better idea of your requirement and provide with more detailed suggestions.



Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

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