cindy | Posts: 381

how to define optout reason in French

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the optout reason is configured under package.settings, but package.settings doesn't have French language. how to define French optout reason?





Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: how to define optout reason in French

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Hi Cindy,


I believe you meant the "packageSettings" resource in backoffice. Unfortunately, decline / optout reason can't be specified per language until release 11.34 (release note here) when a new backoffice resource "decline.reasons" was available. Few points to notice:
- This resource is specific for New Signer Experience.

- Because opt-out was deprecated in New Signer Experience, this resource only applied to decline reasons



Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: how to define optout reason in French

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Hi Cindy,


Similar to decline reasons, handover text is also locale specific since release 11.34, when a new resource "handover.url" was introduced. This resource also applies to New Signer Experience only.



Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: how to define optout reason in French

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Hi Cindy,


Not really. From my understanding, it might be a trend that settings regarding to string customizations be extracted as account level resource, like "handover.url" and "decline.reasons". While boolean and numeric types of settings remain package level and apply to all languages.



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