
How to disable "Exit" button from the Signing Ceremony Thank you Dialog Box

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Hi Team, Greetings for the day. I'm working on Customizing the Branding for the Thank you Dialog Box Is there a way to completely remove the Exit button functionality (I'm aware about the withHandOverLink and I used it, but now I need to remove the Exit button itself). Kindly let me know if this can be removed through SDK (I wasn't able to see any functions to do this) / if this is possible if I get in touch with the OneSpanSign support team. Another issue is I don't see the close button when I use Mobile phone to sign the form, the thank you dialog box appears and has the message "If you wish to review your documents now, click on "Close" below" but the close button is unavailable and I just see Exit button. Please find the relevant images attached. Best Regards, Logan


Reply to: How to disable "Exit" button from the Signing Ceremony Thank you Dialog Box

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Hi Logan, For question 1, "hide exit button" was not an available feature and it has been an Enhancement Request for quite some time. But there's an upcoming new Signing Ceremony (although there's no ETA yet) aiming to provide holistically customization for Thank you dialog. For question 2, I am informed by our support team that current Mobile Signing Ceremony implementation shares the same Thank you dialog content in Desktop Signing Ceremony, that's why you've seen "click on Close below" while it's actually not there. So you can consider avoiding mentioning Close button in the content. (as all efforts are now focused on developing new signing experience) Hope this could help! Duo

Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

Reply to: How to disable "Exit" button from the Signing Ceremony Thank you Dialog Box

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Hi Duo, Thanks for the reply. Follow up for the 2nd question, Is there a way I can make the Close button available, i need the users to complete the signing and click on the close button in the Thank you dialog and review the documents So i would be needing the Close button on the mobile interface too, is there a way to make the close button available for the thank you dialog on mobile interface. Thank you very much in advance. Best Regards, Logan

Reply to: How to disable "Exit" button from the Signing Ceremony Thank you Dialog Box

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Hi Logan, In that case, users can click the return button "" at left top corner. This is the only way to return and review the signed documents. Duo

Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

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