cindy | Posts: 381

iframe loading twice

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Hi, Recently one of our team using ifram to launch the signing ceremony, they said it requires loading 2 times in iframe in order to open the signing page. any idea? currently their solution is 1st loading login page, 2nd loading signing URL , then it works. thanks, Cindy

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: iframe loading twice

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Hi Cindy, Was the requirement to load URLs twice happened when using Safari with Mac OS/ iOS? If that's the case, it could be related to the 3rd-party cookie issue: Apple has an limitation that Safari only allows to store third-party cookie after end-user had interacted with the domain. Or if that's not the case, please share more information like whether it's desktop vs mobile experience and does it affect all the devices? Duo

cindy | Posts: 381

Reply to: iframe loading twice

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they are using ipad with safari. so the reason as what you said ' Apple has an limitation that Safari only allows to store third-party cookie after end-user had interacted with the domain'.

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