ntullos | Posts: 2

Keep getting a documentExtractError

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I'm not sure what else to do - it doesn't give any more information other than "documentExtractError" ValidationError.

Any suggestions?

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Keep getting a documentExtractError

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Hi Nick,


Are you using extraction methods like "Text Anchors"? I was informed by support team that it's a known issue that if the anchor includes comma, it might cause such error in 11.35 version, R&D team is working on it.

Or if it's not the case, could you clarify a bit more about your scenario?



ntullos | Posts: 2

Reply to: Keep getting a documentExtractError

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While we don't have any commas, we have other special characters (/, ', :, etc...). Could this be what is causing it?

Otherwise there isn't much more to report, all of our other apps go through fine. Usually, OneSpan provides detailed error messages. This is a very generic one.

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