Missing Signature Fields in JSON
Thursday, October 18, 2018 at 08:30amHi,
I've created a layout containing a signature with all available fields (Signing Date, Date, Signer Name, Signer Title, Signer Company, Text Field, Checkbox, List, Radio, Text Area, and Label) using the eSignLive designer screen, but when I retrieve the package via the REST API some of the fields aren't listed under the signature. The signature in the JSON is missing fields for the Radio Button, List, and Text Area and I can't find them any where else in the JSON. Are they being returned? When can I see those fields in the JSON?
I've attached a screenshot of the layout in the designer and here's the JSON for the signature in question:
"approvals": [ { "accepted": null, "data": null, "enforceCaptureSignature": false, "fields": [ { "binding": "{approval.signed}", "data": null, "extract": false, "extractAnchor": null, "height": 52, "id": "XP8fL1QDjQQC", "left": 505, "name": "", "page": 0, "subtype": "LABEL", "top": 172, "type": "INPUT", "validation": null, "value": "MMMM dd, yyyy 'GMT'", "width": 235 }, { "binding": "{signer.name}", "data": null, "extract": false, "extractAnchor": null, "height": 52, "id": "2mHnX7fvaNEP", "left": 503, "name": "", "page": 0, "subtype": "LABEL", "top": 239, "type": "INPUT", "validation": null, "value": "{signer.name}", "width": 235 }, { "binding": "{signer.title}", "data": null, "extract": false, "extractAnchor": null, "height": 52, "id": "g7nkKJAO9RMO", "left": 500, "name": "", "page": 0, "subtype": "LABEL", "top": 304, "type": "INPUT", "validation": null, "value": "{signer.title}", "width": 235 }, { "binding": "{signer.company}", "data": null, "extract": false, "extractAnchor": null, "height": 52, "id": "wadhfRsly3M0", "left": 506, "name": "", "page": 0, "subtype": "LABEL", "top": 367, "type": "INPUT", "validation": null, "value": "{signer.company}", "width": 235 }, { "binding": null, "data": null, "extract": false, "extractAnchor": null, "height": 20, "id": "FpssIBb2cPEH", "left": 528, "name": "", "page": 0, "subtype": "CHECKBOX", "top": 640, "type": "INPUT", "validation": { "enum": null, "errorCode": null, "errorMessage": "", "maxLength": null, "minLength": null, "pattern": "", "required": false }, "value": null, "width": 20 }, { "binding": null, "data": null, "extract": false, "extractAnchor": null, "height": 52, "id": "g2YLlMr0ZR0S", "left": 508, "name": "", "page": 0, "subtype": "TEXTFIELD", "top": 506, "type": "INPUT", "validation": { "enum": null, "errorCode": null, "errorMessage": "", "maxLength": null, "minLength": null, "pattern": "", "required": false }, "value": null, "width": 235 }, { "binding": null, "data": null, "extract": false, "extractAnchor": null, "height": 52, "id": "WChdTIE5FbU2", "left": 500, "name": "", "page": 0, "subtype": "LABEL", "top": 784, "type": "INPUT", "validation": null, "value": null, "width": 235 }, { "binding": null, "data": null, "extract": false, "extractAnchor": null, "height": 52, "id": "Cvr2CivhC0IM", "left": 340, "name": "", "page": 0, "subtype": "FULLNAME", "top": 76, "type": "SIGNATURE", "validation": null, "value": "", "width": 235 } ], "id": "X3O3Wae7MUIQ", "name": "", "optional": false, "role": "37877f58-8ba4-448a-96a1-d5de0d68b4aa", "signed": null } ]Thanks
Reply to: Missing Signature Fields in JSON
Thursday, October 18, 2018 at 08:52amAccept: application/json; esl-api-version=11.19
(the version doesn't really matter) To align the same behavior as SDK does. Hope this could help you! DuoDuo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer
Reply to: Missing Signature Fields in JSON
Thursday, October 18, 2018 at 08:55am