wahibh | Posts: 2

Multi signer code

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Can you please point me or send me the link to the API/ SDK code to allow for in-person scenario to toggle between signers. Thanks

mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: Multi signer code

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So, you want to toggle back and forth as you go through the process rather than have one fill out their portion and then the other fill out their portion?

wahibh | Posts: 2

Reply to: Multi signer code

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Thanks for the fast reply Michael. Yes exactly for signature collection.

mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: Multi signer code

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Okay. Let me look into it, however, since this is part of the signature process, I'm not certain this is something you'll access with the API/SDK. It seems like this would be something handled completely by the UI. I'll have to look into it.

mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: Multi signer code

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If you use the SessionService to create a session token:
SessionToken sessionToken = eslClient.SessionService.CreateSessionToken(packageId, signer);
You can use it with the URL:
And you will get the sender signing session, which will allow you to use the "in-person" signing feature of the signing session UI. Hope this helps.

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