Michael_S_Smith | Posts: 66

Notification Email Control

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Regarding this thread https://community.onespan.com/forum/disable-email-notification-signer

Have there been any additional controls added for email notifications? Specifically, we would like to disable email notifications at a) the package level and b) the individual signer level. I do know there were some open enhancement requests in this area.



Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

Reply to: Notification Email Control

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Hi Mike,


Thanks for your post! "To have more granular control over email notifications" has already been raised as an Enhancement Request, but unfortunately it hasn't been on roadmap yet. If you preferred, I would like to vote on behalf of your organization on this request.



Michael_S_Smith | Posts: 66

Reply to: Notification Email Control

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Yes please vote for us. We have a process where most of our signers sign thru our application and do not need the emails (in fact dont want them). Our process also allows for remote signers that do need the email. Our plan now is to set up junk email boxes for signers that dont want email and send those to OneSpan so we can auto-delete the emails. This obviously is not ideal. I think our request is reasonable and not unique.


Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

Reply to: Notification Email Control

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Hi Michael,


Thanks for the background information! When you said they do not need the emails, do you mean the "email.activate" email, or generally all the email notifications? If only for invitation emails, if you flagged the transaction as in-person, there's actually a BackOffice setting allows you to "Disable InPerson Activation Email".


(1)For remote signers, you can still notify them using "email.notify" template

(2)Marking a transaction as in-person won't affect your current integration. You will only launch an in-person signing ceremony if you build the signing link with the method covered in this blog: https://www.onespan.com/blog/onespan-sign-developer-person-signing



Michael_S_Smith | Posts: 66

Reply to: Notification Email Control

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Due to the nature of our use-case, we can have in-person and remote signers on the same package. So we still would like the enhancement to turn these on/off at the signer level.

However, the "Disable InPerson Activation Email"  flag could help us for another use-case. I will open a support ticket to try this in our sandbox. Thanks.

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