mbilensky | Posts: 52

Odd Behaviour in Layout Designer

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Hi, We’ve been noticing some odd behaviour in the layout designer recently. We’ve seen the signatures displayed below where they should be when first opening the designer and also seen the signatures jump down after releasing the mouse after dragging them around. This seems to persist for the entirety of the designer session, but we’ve been unable to determine how the designer gets into that state. It only happens intermittently and we cannot consistently reproduce the issue. Any Idea what’s going on? Has this been reported previously? I have a video of this in action but unfortunately cannot attach it to this post since it exceeds your max file size, but can send it via email or some other way Thanks, Mitch

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Odd Behaviour in Layout Designer

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Hi Mitch, Can you send your video to [email protected] so that we can understand better of the issue? Thanks, Duo

Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

mbilensky | Posts: 52

Reply to: Odd Behaviour in Layout Designer

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Hi Duo, Just sent an email with the video attached Thanks, Mitch

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Odd Behaviour in Layout Designer

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Hi Mitch, Thanks for sharing the video and I saw the unexpected behavior you meant. I tried few times but can't reproduce the same issue at my side. Few questions for you: Which environment or which endpoint are you currently using? (sandbox.e-signlive.com/sandbox.esignlive.com/etc) Is the issue related to the browser? After you confirmed, I will create a ticket for you and have this investigated. BTW, have you tried the new Designer experience? The front-end implementations are different in two versions so I think it will somehow solve the odd behavior.
String senderAuthenticationToken = client.getAuthenticationTokensService().createSenderAuthenticationToken(packageId);

Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

mbilensky | Posts: 52

Reply to: Odd Behaviour in Layout Designer

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Hi Duo, Unsure if this is a browser issue, we've been reproducing it (although without any real consistency) in Firefox and we will try with other browsers and report back after we've done some more testing. The video in question was on the us sandbox environment (https://sandbox.esignlive.com) We are currently investigating using the new designer, but aren't planning to migrate to in in the near future since it can perform additional actions that we are not prepared to integrate with (such as adding/removing documents, signers, etc.) Thanks, Mitch

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Odd Behaviour in Layout Designer

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Hi Mitch, Thanks for the confirmation. And actually, the new Designer View provides flexible customization capability. The attachment is an example I did to my account where I removed the "add signer" and "add document" button, also removed "save/apply layout", "document visibility setting" and the visibility of many fields. Duo

Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

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mbilensky | Posts: 52

Reply to: Odd Behaviour in Layout Designer

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Hi Duo, Ah, I had assumed that most of those item we're configurable, just unsure to what extent. We currently have a number of those changes set for our layout designers as well. Is there a complete list of the configuration that be done for the new designer? Thanks, Mitch

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Odd Behaviour in Layout Designer

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Hi Mitch, This is the list of what you can modify:
saveLayout button
applyLayout button

addSigner button
editRecipient button
remove the sender from recipient list (can't design for the sender)

addDocument button
editDocument button
deleteDocument button
documentVisibility button

send button
And the following fields can be hidden:
And the attachment is a minimal looking Designer View. Duo

Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

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mbilensky | Posts: 52

Reply to: Odd Behaviour in Layout Designer

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Hi Duo, Thanks for the info, It will certainly help us in the future when we're looking at migrating to the new designer. That might allow us to migrate to the new designer sooner than we expected. As far as the issue at hand goes, we've currently only reproduced it on Firefox, but since it's an intermittent issue I can't say with any confidence that this is an Firefox only issue. Thanks, Mitch

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