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I'm starting the Rapid Proof Of Concept and am trying to get our automation software to return the JWT token using POST to

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I would like to ask if exists a way to sent an SMS with the transaction created instead of redirect from the current site.

Currently, the flow is: create transaction > redirect > client get OTP SMS > OTP…

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We have started the Proof Of Concept that we have received by email from [email protected] and we have succeeded to call the which returned the following JSON…

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Good day everyone,

Here in our Security Information area, we're trying to automatize the generation of new URLs with Python. Right now, we're sending the PUT request successfully but the response we get from OneSpan API doesn…

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Hi Team, I hope you're doing well.

Here at our InfoSec area, we would like to know which are all the possible values the "status" parameter can take in the "Get transaction" response when we send the HTTP request with Postman,…

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When I create a transaction (using the endpoint) I get back a token as expected.

First off, the token contains an access URL that does not work (it uses the wrong endpoint: https:/…

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When working with the Rapid Proof of Concept environment only specific Workflow ID's are currently supported.  These may change from time to time, but will be backwards compatible through out the Rapid Proof of Concept phase of any…

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We are building out our API calls at the moment and are looking to get details to assist whitelisting


  1. OneSpan IP address
  2. Base Url for redirect link and…
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Dear Support Team,

We have tried the REST API of the Identity Verification Rapid POC, and we was able to generate a transaction HTTP URL and we opened it from the Chrome Browser of an Android device and completed the…

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Hi :)

Currently trying to create transaction using returned JWT token

and am getting this error message, 404 Not Found, is the end point complete? i copied it from the email.

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Can you confirm if the xtenant_id in the header of the API should be the the same as the client_id in the JWT token? It seems to be preset as "Ford" in some of the APIs?



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Can you confirm that in the POC environment the tenant_id should show as "salesdemo" or should it have a more specific reference to our company?



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Can I check what is required for entry into the document_template_id field to use with the identification only workflows in POC?  Is there a specific id that would be used to retrieve the raw data…

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Is the audit trail pdf only available when the a transaction has successfully identified an individual



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When we run {{baseUrl}}/api/transaction/{{transactionID}}/verification and get the reasons for failure, there are the URLs in the response that point to the jpegs of the submitted ID and selfies. Is there a way for us…

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We are researching on Onespan Cloud Authentication product, so we are utilizing sandbox API's for User creation and assign authenticator to created user and once we are able to generate the CRONTO image with…