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So I am trying to figure out how to get the Bulk Signer function to work for a package I sent out, but I am not a developer and have no clue how to implement the code found here. 

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In the CA sandbox environment we ran into the following error when uploading a package using the .NET SDK. The package had multiple signers with the same email address. As OneSpan now supports signers with the same email,…

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We've got a form where one section is a radio button group. The "Actions required" language at the top of the New Signer Experience form is telling user there are 8 actions when in actuality there are only three because one of the…

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We are moving over to New Signer Experience. We are using Java SDK to add validation to fields like this:

.withValidation(FieldValidatorBuilder.regex("^\\d{2}/\\d{4}$").required().withErrorMessage("Please enter a valid…

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Hi. I've got fields that I've set up like this:

.withField(createFieldBuilder(FIELD_TEXT_BOX_CONSTANT, TEXT_BOX_GRP_ADDRESS_CONSTANT, "tbRetirementDate")

The font size is not…

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I try to install the version 11.41 of com.silanis.sdk

As I see, there is a dependency on littleproxy 1.1.2 (org\littleshoot\littleproxy\1.1.2)., but it has not been updated since 2017.

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Hi Team, We have a document that has three signers whose signature is needed at three places in a document. **Signer 1**, **Signer2**, **Signer3**(So the total number of Signature blocks should appear are 9).

However, in our…

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In our current (pre 11.42) implementation, we are presenting forms in an iframe, and incrementing a counter in JavaScript, which will also forward to different page when all forms have been signed.    


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Trying to follow the example here:

But I am getting the exception below when I add a second signer with:


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I followed the guide for downloading signed documents from this

I was able to download…

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We are using JAVA SDK v11.47 , we are downloading the PDF using the below code that is there on your developer portal. 


1.  The files that we download using the…

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Hi, Is there a way to build a package such that one signer would sign 2 documents. Here is an algorithm that I am looking at: 1. Use PAckageBuilder to build a package named 'OriginalPackage' 2. Add 'signer1' and 'signer2' to…
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Hello, I'm looking for a way to unlock a sender through the Java SDK. I know that a sender can become locked after attempting to delete a sender when they have currently active transactions, and I've also see that the sender can become…
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Hi, We're working on a workflow that would require our users to upload attachments as part of the signing ceremony (to validate their identity when signing in-person). We can set the attachment to be required as part of the signing…
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Hi, I have to send number of files in one package but number of files and there location path are passed as input argument. User may send one file or more than one files. I am not able to find the way how I dynamically include files…
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Is there a way to disable the consent page, that pops up before signing a document, using the SDK while creating a package?
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Hi, I want to create a package and have to add Signers and Documents later on same package. Thanks,
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I would like to understand how do we retrieve signingUrl when we pass signerId as an email address. I am using below snippet 

eslClient.getPackageService().getSigningUrl(transactionId, userIdentifier);

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We're having some issues with hiding documents from some signers.  It works for the most part, but we don't seem to be able to hide a document from a signer when they are also the sender of the package.  Is this intentional?…

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Does OneSpan eSign support SAML-based authentication for Senders through 3rd party providers 

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I am new to OneSpan and need help on setting up CallBack URL.  

1. How to setup Web server

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The State of Ohio has just started using OneSpan sign.

I have a couple of end users that get error code onespoan_user_sobo_err

Any suggestions?

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Hello I found this code for to be able to create a signing session : 


 Map<String, String> signerSessionFields = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();

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Hello, I need some tips to get me started with an upgrading to SDK 11.41 from a very old version. I was not involved in the original implementation, and I am lacking knowledge of what the platform provides. Once I’m more comfortable…