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Hi There, I am working on creating a package with a document that has an Id assigned to it: .withDocument( newDocumentWithName( "Second Document" ) .fromFile( "src/main/Resources/document.pdf" ) .withId( documentId )
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We need to retrieve the document associated data using the SDK. In Postman, we can view the document data using REST /packages/{packageId}/documents/{documentId}.  However, we are getting an empty map using the getData() method…

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Hi, This forum has been such a great help so far, that I figured I'd post here on the off-chance you can provide some guidance. We're working on displaying the Signing Ceremony iFrame within our application on mobile devices …
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it possible to display a message in OneSpan when a checkbox is not ticked? 

The checkbox is optional but if it is not ticked we want to display a message.




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Dear, We got a PDF document with multiple locations where we need a signature (page , x and y locations are already know) But we would like to have a single button option, like with the option Position Extracted. Is this…
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Currently we are sending this setting for each package we are creating via a REST call. It is set to true. So the download button is dsiabled. Is there an account level setting that can set this to false? Can it override this setting,…
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Is there a way to disable the consent page, that pops up before signing a document, using the SDK while creating a package?
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Hi, We are new to esignlive, and developing with JAVA. After going through few guidances, I found when creating a package, some code using PackageId packageId = eslClient.createPackageOneStep(documentPackage); and some code using …
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For integrated signing (e.g. iFrame in your portal application - signer is authenticated in your application): A feature introduced in version 10.6 of the SDK allows you to create a Session Token for a Signer using the…
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In our current (pre 11.42) implementation, we are presenting forms in an iframe, and incrementing a counter in JavaScript, which will also forward to different page when all forms have been signed.    


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I try to install the version 11.41 of com.silanis.sdk

As I see, there is a dependency on littleproxy 1.1.2 (org\littleshoot\littleproxy\1.1.2)., but it has not been updated since 2017.

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esignlive's httpcomponents version is 4.3.6. We were previously using 4.0, and I updated our builds to use 4.3.6. We have now run into an issue where that breaks another of our third-party dependencies. Is esignlive compatible with 4.2.2…
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Hi, Is there a way to delete all the layouts in my account?
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Hi team, In our workflow, we allow our user to delete their transaction. I found two functions in SDK deletePackage() and trash() So my question is, what's the difference between them, what do you suggest to use? And when I managed to…
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Hi There, According to the requirements we have, if a person doesn't completes the purchase by paying but has signed the documents, if that person comes back again after certain number of days, he needs to do the whole transaction again…
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Hi team, If our application somehow missed the callback notification of declined event, is there any SDK function that can be used to fetch the details about signer who opted-out/decline and with what reason? Thanks in advance!
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Generated URL with below code is not working. String userAuthToken = eslClient.getAuthenticationTokensService().createSenderAuthenticationToken(packageId.toString()); String URL = String.format("…
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The onespan Java sdk (sdk-11.51-jar-with-dependencies.jar) contains a version of netty (4.1.74.Final) that has security vulnerability CVE-2022-24823, the sdk-11.51.jar has references to it,  and our company (and clients) won't…

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Hi All, I'm working on Customizing the Branding of the Signing Ceremony. I'm trying to customize the logo, and session bar, through Java SDK. Question 1: I'm able to successfully change the logo, but regarding…
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Is it possible to customize/configure OneSpan E-Sign so that we have signature stamps that look like signatures?

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How to create In-Person signing session using REST API (not using Silanis.ESL.SDK)

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Is there any way I can dynamically add signer and document while creating the package. For example I want to use a for loop to add no of signers(withSigner) and documents(WithDocument), when creating the package
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We have a scenario where user should initial on one of the signature fields from a group of fields (like a radio button group). We have multiple questions where we want the signer to initial on one choice. 

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I am getting the following exception while trying to create a Package using
.withExtractionType(ExtractionType.TEXT_TAGS) for the DocumentBuilder, 
Is there a way to use ExtractionType alongside createPackage?