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Please  share node js code to download signed document.

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when i am trying to use REST api for virtual room. I am getting a message as virtual room feature disabled. Can anyone guide me on how to enable this feature.

Thanks in advance

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Hi, Is there any REST API for getting a current status of a particular transaction in esignlive account. Thanks, Kartee
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I didn't find the request that will return anchor coordinates. Is there any possibility to do it?
And there is one more important unclear point. In .NET there is possibility to build package but not send for signature. It helps…

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how to get the report completion for specific time period in a day like between 8am to 12 pm.

using the below api 


what format should be From date and to date . Need to…

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Is there a REST API endpoint that shows the number of transactions that require the user's signature?
Also, is it possible to filter the list by date?

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Hi Team,

I have to inject the fields in a specific location of the document.. so I have to put tags for that,

what is the tags for field injection? as I am placing tag as  

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Hello, Our team has started the integration with eSignLive REST API to create and send packages, sign the documents and get response payload from callback listener. We have a question regarding the sessionUser. After we created and sent a…
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I need to check radio or check box before signing . Is this possible in one span .




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Hi, We are going to implement esign in mobile where customers will sign our app from mobile browser. So, we need our iframe mobile responsive but the signing ceremony pdf content is not responsive. Therefore, we need the content in iframe…
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I'm using the POST /packages/{packageId}/clone API call to create package from template. The template has some fields added and I want to fill one of them so the signer will not be able to change it. Is it possible? And if…
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Hi In our Web Application, we have a 2 Types of PDF: 1. Templated PDF which our App will merge Data ; The resulting PDF will have the merged data and Fields with the DocumentExtract tags [SignerId#.Capture#] 2. PDFs from 3rd party…
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When creating a new package from a template I am trying to populate one of the existing text fields only if I have specific information. How can I achieve this using the rest api?

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API Rest allows me to create a sender in an account. I could verify this process by viewing the sender from Admin> User, but I could not assign it roles through API. Therefore, he will not be able to manage or generate a transaction…

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I have created a .Net web application to receive posts from the eSignLive server to handle event notifications (PACKAGE_CREATED, DOCUMENT_SIGNED, etc.) I am successfully receiving the events, parsing the Json posted to me, and handling the…
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Hi, Currently after signing the process we are receiving the Thank you window with Close and Exit e-SingLive buttons. We are getting the eSignLive Login page at the time of clicking on "Exit eSignLive" button. Do we have any parameter to…
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I have a document that has got like 200 fields. I have made a web page that contains a web form with all those 200 fields. When user submits the form I would want all the fields to be populated in the eSignLive form. Is this possible via…
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Hi , Enabled the Callback timeout to be configured to give the Callback endpoint extra time to process a Callback request. For above change where can we add timeout settings is it account level or need to append time out parameters to…
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Hi, I want to show 2 documents of my package together at a time during signing ceremony. Typically, I see that as soon as one document's signing ceremony completes, another document arrives. But, my requirement is to show both documents…
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I am making the following call
and sending in the payload the following:
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I have a template with 550 label fields. I saved the fields to a new layout. Now, I need to shift all 550 label fields 8 pixels up. Doing it manually is a painful process. 

Is there a way I can do this - 


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How do I configure the multipart request to create a package and send in attachments in a single call?
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Hi, One of our client reported this issue: They received the following HTML response to a request instead of the JSON payload they typically received.
  405 Not Allowed    …
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Hello gurus. I hope you can help me. I'm trying to create a new package in, but when I try to upload the document I'm getting: HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type Basically I'm trying to reproduce the same calls as…
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I am trying to create a package using the REST API through my company proxy, using a system called TIBCO. My understanding is that we need two types of security: 1. Basic authentication (using the API Key, that we have been given from…