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Is there any documentation on how to upload multiple documents using the ONESPAN SIGN API, currently trying to use POST /api/packages/{packageId}/documents, however second document doesn´t get uploaded.

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Hi, Can we upload editable PDF for eSign? I am currently getting an error when doing so? Or is there an option to auto flatten in OneSpan? Thanks. Srini.
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Hi! I am not able to create new documents using post method from NodeJs server, please find the request and response below
  domain: null,
  _events: { end: [Function: bound _clearTimeout] },
  _eventsCount: 1,
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I'm receiving a 500 error when I upload a document to /packages with the following roles and approvals. Any idea where the error could be coming from? Here's the request detail:

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Its possible append document to existing package using application/json content type and base64 coded pdf?

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Hello! I seem to be getting a 500 when I try to upload a new document. I am not exactly sure what is going wrong; I attached my settings below, and this is the generated HTTP snippet by Postman
POST /api/packages…
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If I update an existing package to SENT am I able to add any new documents to the package? Can I can update the package status to ACTIVE or some other status, add the document and then update status again to SENT?
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I am trying to update an exciting package that is already on draft mode. especially roles on that package. But it doesn't work here is what I did : PUT : Payload :…
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Guys, I am trying to update a field and I am using this as a guide. I am doing a PUT to the api call below and when it runs, it deletes the field all together. https:/…
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I've noticed that it is not possible to update emailMessage for chosen role. TC 1. User submits content and package is being created from the template using:
    "roles": [
            "emailMessage": {
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Hi, Is there a way to just update the registered callback events for an account without having to update that account's callback url and key as well? I'd ideally like to update the registered events for for a series of accounts and not…
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Guys, I am trying to update a signer via the rest api call and it doesn't appear to be working. When I do the call in postman, it returns the response payload that is expected but it doesn't update the information. I do not get any…
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Hi I'm trying to update the STATUS from "DRAFT" to "SENT" but getting an error. Here is my snippet... Am i missing anything?
                string url = eslBaseURL + NamedConstants.Packages + "/…
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Regarding Updates to Package data, there appears to be a date/time data field called "update".  The Package also seems to have a similar date/time data field called "update" for Sender info contained inside a Package.  Do…

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Hi Is it possible to update the language of the sender , using the REST API after the sender has been created. For example making a PUT to {"language":"en"}
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Hi! Is there a way to update role/roles (already created) in package with Q&A challenges? I have tried PUT on '/api/packages/:packageId/roles/:roleId' but it seems as though the auth part of my request is being ignored.
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As the remote agent I want to programatically update a SENT package to DECLINED. I have tried to send the request when the package is in a DRAFT and SENT status. Request
{"status": "DECLINED"}
Response when package is in…
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Hey guys, 

I'm trying to put together the following flow:

  1. Create a Package through Postman using the following payload.
  2. Add a document…
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HI, I have created a package with some document and set its status to "SENT". Now before sending signing url to user, I want to fill some fields through code, so user don't need to fill those fields. is it possible through this route? PUT…
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On an In progress transaction (SIGNING_PENDING) with multiple signers & with Document A that is signed by (SIGNING_COMPLETE) Signer A, is it possible to update the document content (bytes) without losing the already…

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Hi, I have a package with status draft, Now I want to update an approval using this route PUT /packages/{packageId}/documents/{documentId} /approvals/{approvalId} Here I am updating multiple field values. var options = { …
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Ich kann meine Unterschrift nicht hochladen in meinen OneSpan Account

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Guys, Is there something going on with the API servers? I'm getting this weird error when trying to upload documents that I know worked. ------------------------------- MessageKey: error.internal.default Error Message: Unexpected…
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Hi , i am trying to create a package using the rest API with sandbox url : I am getting an error response. {"technical":"","entity":null,"packageId":null,"messageKey":"http.status.400",…
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Hi, I have download code from onespan "esignlive", i already replaced my sandbox key but code not work now. i can't understand what is issue with that. can you help me