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Hi, I have 3 forms. Each form has Signature Capture Fields Example SignerId1.Capture1, SignerId2.Capture2, [ExtraSignerId1.Capture1],[ExtraSignerId2.Capture2]...etc When I print the form individually as 3 packages, it is created and…
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Hi, I am trying to integrate the flow into a node application. I am stuck at the add documents/start session stages. I have created a template via the web UI. I am able to create a draft package via the REST API. However I don't know what…
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Good day, I am working on integrating the esignlive for pdf form applications. During my research I found this guide that seemed like would be exactly what we needed.…
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Please  share node js code to download signed document.

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I tried the using the following but the code is a bit dated.


How to add Signatures required for the…

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I have a template with a grid of 50 rows. Each row has a Label field and a checkbox field. Values for label are supplied thru `Package\{{PackageId}}\Clone` endpoint.

Question - is there a way to hide / disable (preferably hide…

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We're developing an application that's connected to the Onespan Sign Sandbox and we're experiencing the following problem: we're using a token authentication policy when connecting to Onespan, and intermittently, we get…

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We are integrating with Onespan using Rest API.

We have three types of Roles. Broker , customer and Business.

Broker first sign an agreement(using esign), followed by customer and then Business people sign an…

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I have a document package that contains two documents and three signers. One of the three signers only has an approval on one of the two documents. While I am able to limit that user's signing ability, they can still see the other document…
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Hi I am trying to use REST Web service for Integration using Java. So i have pulled the "" from Developer Blog and updated the .PDF file location and executed the program. It has given the below SSL Error…
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Hi, I have a package with status draft, Now I want to update an approval using this route PUT /packages/{packageId}/documents/{documentId} /approvals/{approvalId} Here I am updating multiple field values. var options = { …
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I have done multiple trials and not able to end up with successful results for uploading a document to a Transaction. I am using REST API and here is the RAW request ----Request---- POST…
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Hi, I am not getting email bounce notification for wrong email signer in request. This is my post to silanis, please let me know is there anything missing in request. I have checked the email bounce check box in call back events. { …
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Guys, We are looking at this page for creating the Auth token for a user. We have to do a POST request to…
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Hi Team, I created an application to use your API, Recently i got new requirement that once package is Signed will download the Document but its in Secured format to get the file with Out Password secured i got to know that we can Use the…
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Getting the below error while adding the attachment in esign in Oracle(Production instance)

ORA-22288: file or LOB operation FILEOPEN failed
Permission denied

While testing in non prod instances, no such error…

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Getting the below error for reminder. package is in draft status. 

Bad Request
Response body>{"messageKey":"error.validation.invalidJson","technical":"Failed to…

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I know it's been a while since we've had a discussion about this but I not circling back around to this topic.

For our notary signing experience we are now trying to test with the new signing experience. I'm…

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I got the 500 (internal error) when create package from SOA to CA sandbox. same payload works in our on-prem version 11.25. any idea?

here is my payload

    "name" : "Signing-SC4…

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Can a checkbox or radio button be "checked" or selected by sending a value in the JSON payload? We are having trouble getting a checkbox to show up as selected or checked. Text fields work fine. We have sent values for the checkbox such…

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I'm trying to call OneSpan API call from MS Power BI, but currently unsuccessful.  How does one handle renewing Bearer Token? Below example was attempting to get a Token, didn't output error but seemed to hang. Mike(C)

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Hey there, i was following this guide ( and I´m always getting Unauthorized Access as a respond. I used the right Api code (not the xxx-xxx-..) from…
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Hello, Our team has started the integration with eSignLive REST API to create and send packages, sign the documents and get response payload from callback listener. We have a question regarding the sessionUser. After we created and sent a…
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Guys, I am looking at the documentation for sending documents to a vault and was wondering if anyone had any examples for me to view.…
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Hello Duo, I am getting again and again the following error during sending document to esign. {"technical":"65533","messageKey":"error.internal.default","message":"Unexpected error. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused…