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Hi, I have 3 forms. Each form has Signature Capture Fields Example SignerId1.Capture1, SignerId2.Capture2, [ExtraSignerId1.Capture1],[ExtraSignerId2.Capture2]...etc When I print the form individually as 3 packages, it is created and…
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Hi, I am trying to integrate the flow into a node application. I am stuck at the add documents/start session stages. I have created a template via the web UI. I am able to create a draft package via the REST API. However I don't know what…
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Good day, I am working on integrating the esignlive for pdf form applications. During my research I found this guide that seemed like would be exactly what we needed.…
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Please  share node js code to download signed document.

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I tried the using the following but the code is a bit dated.


How to add Signatures required for the…

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I have a template with a grid of 50 rows. Each row has a Label field and a checkbox field. Values for label are supplied thru `Package\{{PackageId}}\Clone` endpoint.

Question - is there a way to hide / disable (preferably hide…

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We're developing an application that's connected to the Onespan Sign Sandbox and we're experiencing the following problem: we're using a token authentication policy when connecting to Onespan, and intermittently, we get…

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We are integrating with Onespan using Rest API.

We have three types of Roles. Broker , customer and Business.

Broker first sign an agreement(using esign), followed by customer and then Business people sign an…

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I have created a .Net web application to receive posts from the eSignLive server to handle event notifications (PACKAGE_CREATED, DOCUMENT_SIGNED, etc.) I am successfully receiving the events, parsing the Json posted to me, and handling the…
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I would like to know if it is possible to create a signature request with 2 signatories having two different types of signature methods (hand-scripted, click-to-sign, click-to-initial) for the same document ?? For example the first…

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Canada SBX =

API = /apitoken/clientApp/accessToken

header fields Accept + Content-Type  ( both set to application…

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We have a web UI with the iframe approach for the e-signature ceremony but we appear to lose the signature field when cloning the template.

Our steps are as follows:

  • post /packages/{templateId}/clone  --…
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I have attached my JSON code.

I need OneSpan to redirect to a success link if possible after signing. I did some searching and found that instead it would be a button to go to the success page but a redirect is preferred.

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Hello, I need to send multiple documents, I saw this post: And in this post it informs that it would not be possible, but it is from 2018, is there any current…

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I am getting this error when trying to update the package status of a package. Is there something going on with the PUT call? I am able to do the other POST calls.

url -…

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Hi, I have this use case: There is a form, which contains fields, which we currently fill with our own pdf mapping service. We then create a package with eSignLive. This form needs to be signed by distinct users, one after the other. By…
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Hey team, In our workflow, we use Designer to design and create package and save documents as layouts. My question is, can you explain more about what "share layout" button does and do you have a separate page to show all layouts I…
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I have changed the font Size  in the field formatting ( UI ) but its not reflecting while signing . 

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How can I pull the subaccount user's apikey using parent account's apikey? I have called api/senders/{accountid}/apiKey and it returns 403. The same method works for the main account however. In other words, I can pull apiKey from other…

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Is this feature supported on the classic signing experience or only in the new signing experience?

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Hi all,

I'm trying to use digital certificate authentication (with PIV card) for my signers, but I can't figure out how to format this in my JSON. Any ideas?

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I am trying to interface with OneSpan Sign using the REST API. I am using the LotusScript language on a HCL Notes / Domino platform.

When I send a package with no document, including only the json, it works…

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in our IT-system(SAP) we have the PDFs, that  we want to send to OneSpan, stored in a table in binary format.

Since we don't have the actual file... how can I implement an example in Postman? …

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Hi, I have download code from onespan "esignlive", i already replaced my sandbox key but code not work now. i can't understand what is issue with that. can you help me

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I'm trying to place signature using the text anchors in Payload in API Body by referring the blog(OneSpan Sign How To: Using Text Anchors | OneSpan), but I'm…