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When I delete a package with:
DELETE /packages/{packageId}
It returns status code 200, with no response payload. I can call this repeatedly, and it always gives the same response, even when it is already deleted. If DELETE…
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Our signatures are shrinking significantly when signed on a mobile our touch device. Attached is a PDF example of one of our contracts.
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I'm receiving a 500 error when I upload a document to /packages with the following roles and approvals. Any idea where the error could be coming from? Here's the request detail:

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Hi, Please help me with the following: I am using REST API, .NET and a sandbox account. I want to download a document in PDF format. For this I can use the call: GET /packages/{packageId}/documents/{documentId}/pdf But this call…
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Retrieve a List of Users in an Account When performing GET the response contains the correct count of senders in my…
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Hi, We have integrated esignlive application form submission using the following guide in php . We have successfully created and sent packages…
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There is this docs page but there I can see only some mentions about 10.6 and 10.7, although the header contains 10.10. On some forum topics reply I was told to use…
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Hello! I have a questions about your eSignLive product. Can be integrated externally using REST API? (for example we will have a section in our app where the customer can sign, after this step is completed if we press "Generate document",…
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Hello! I have a question while signing the documents using dropdown functionality i can able to see the remote signer information is dropdown list , so how can i restrict the remote user information in dropdown list. Please share the…
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Hi, On the DOCUMENT_SIGNED callback is it possible to know who has signed the document directly or in some other way indirectly? I need the email of the person who has signed the document for our application workflow. What can I do with…
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I want to show a template document (which is currently in "Draft") in embedded mode but he/she can't update the fields. If I show the document in designer view, user can updated document. Want to disable editing. I am using REST API(Node…
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Hi, Is there any limit for
content text? I have a script generating list of items and it can become quite long. In one testing case it was 4k characters long and I got the 500 Internal Server Error on package clone.
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Hi, There is a callback event called Transaction deactivated. Is there a REST API which when called will trigger this event. If this is possible then is there a REST API which can active the it back. I wanted the package to go in a…
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Hi, In json request how we can differentiate signer types like In person and Remote. Thanks, Srinivas
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Hi, I had 2 general question. Does ESignLive support the following: I understand these scenarios will may not occur in the production environment. I wanted this information to prepare our application test cases. 1. Can a role be added…
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Hello, I hit the REST API to try and delete a document from our package, and this is the response we got. { "messageKey": "error.validation.cannotDeleteDocumentInActivePackage", "message": "Document is in a active package and cannot…
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Hi, Currently after signing the process we are receiving the Thank you window with Close and Exit e-SingLive buttons. We are getting the eSignLive Login page at the time of clicking on "Exit eSignLive" button. Do we have any parameter to…
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Hi, Currently we are getting the error when we sent the same Package ID where signer Opt Out and reinitiating the Signature. Please confirm whether this will accept the request or not. Thanks, Allanki
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Hi, Can you please provide the URL and JSON payload for moving a package into TRASH and restoring it back (REST API). I tried different combinations but did not work. Thanks, Abhijit
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Hi, In the JSON retrieved for a Package is there a way to figure out Who (Role/Email) has delegated to Who (Role/Email). After delegation we get the ROLE_REASSIGN event. { "@class": "com.silanis.esl.packages.event…
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Hi, This is a followup question for: In role_reassign assume that role A reassigns to role B. I have to store the email of the role A in role B. Which field…
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Hi, Reading older posts I could gather that following are the IP addresses for Sandbox and Production environment. v11.0 Sandbox US: Environment URL: Primary IP: Secondary IP:…
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Hi, Please let me know whether eSignLive will accept when Owner Signatory Name and Insured name having spaces and sent in the request. Thanks, Allanki
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Hi, How many test environments you have? I know you have sandbox, is that the only test environment? If we want to do performance testing with eSignLive, can we use sandbox?
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Hi, We are planning to implement a purge process to purge packages that's too old. But since the purge API takes package id and we don't have it, should we call Get /packages to get all the package ids that meet our requirements? Is…