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Is there a way to add custom meta data like an external transaction Id from a different system at the document level? I see where we can add Fields but I don't want this to be populated on the document. Thank you
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I am needing to add a new document to an existing package ( but I am not finding any JSON Request samples. I will be in my integration adding documents to…
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Hi OneSpan team,

I have my account owner as:

first name = "Abc"

last name = "LLC"

With this, we have the PACKAGE_OWNER_NAME as "Abc LLC", which is used as part of the email templates. Is there a…

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can we able to create the template in sandbox UI and send the created template through Rest Api.
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Hi, After signing ceremony, we have pdf file with signatures that is in general active pdf. In this active pdf, customers can view some legal properties that we do not expect in our application. However, we have heard one concept that is…
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Hello Duo, I am getting again and again the following error during sending document to esign. {"technical":"65533","messageKey":"error.internal.default","message":"Unexpected error. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused…
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Hi, I'm trying to submit a payload to POST, in the past few days it has been intermittently working and not, this morning it hasn't been working at all yet. The error message is …
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Hello, I am trying to use the REST API in my web application to add a document to a package. When I submit my form with a POST request, I am getting a 406 error. The accept header I'm using is application/json. What should I use instead? …
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I have a method to Retrieve the attachment:

public async Task<byte[]> GetAttachmentContentAsync(string packageId, string attachmentId)


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I would appreciate some help--I am trying out the sample Managing Senders (REST API) code--I just want to retrieve senders--and I'm getting {"messageKey":"http.status.404","message":"Resource Not Found","code":404,"name":"Resource…

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I'm working off the postman api integration tutorial. I'm running into the following error with not finding my user. I've set up a new account and tried that…
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Hi Team,

While calling the prod url for getting access token through Postman


with client id, secret and type. I am getting 403…

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Hello team, We have a client who was following the example code from this link: They used the Package Definition JSON from this link:…
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Getting the following error when I try and create packages in my sandbox:

Could not create a new package Exception: HTTP POST on URI resulted in response with status code: [400, Bad…

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Hi, I get 400 error code. I have the sample code below:package RestAPI; import; import; import; import; import; import…
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Hi , I am posting below JSON, but its returning 1006 error code and the server repsonse is : Server returned HTTP response code: 400 for URL: *************************…
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Hi there, I'm trying to delete a document in python but I'm getting this return:

400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:

I don't…

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Canada SBX =

API = /apitoken/clientApp/accessToken

header fields Accept + Content-Type  ( both set to application…

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Hey! I've used this codebase to put up a quick testing app: Unfortunately I am stuck for a day or so with a 400 error at this point:
POST /api…
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The documentation talks about ApiKeyAuth (being deprecated) and ApiTokenAuth (recommended replacement).

Apparently a "Client Id" + "Secret" is combined to create a "Token" but I don't know how this is done for API's below.

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I'm trying to looking up the documentation for the POST /api/packages call within the Interactive API Definitions page in the sandbox environment, but when I click on this method, the page displays the following error:

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Returns set of delegationEvents with EventID(?) arrays that contain 4 items below:

eventDate, eventType, eventDescription and eventUser

EventID example-> 699AK8PzZMg0

a) can you confirm this is not a…

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I am dealing with a requirement that reads as follows: Customer must have an actual signature and not an ok box to click. 'Actual' in this case refers to a drawn (or typed) signature. Is there a good way to enable that for one…
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Can we remove "sandbox" watermark when we download individual files from sandbox environment

Background: Im trying to download the pdf files uploaded to sandbox environment and that file will used internally for processing

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Hi I got the following error when creating a package. Can you please give me a detailed explanation of this error. {"messageKey":"error.notFound.signerNotFound","message":"The specified signer cannot be found.","code":404} Regards …