byudichak | Posts: 12

Optional Signers or Opt-Out Functionality

0 votes
There was some talk about removing the opt-out functionality in other threads because it seems as though it is basically the same as "Decline". The package gets put into draft mode as soon as a signer chooses this. But I would actually like to see Opt-Out be used to let the package continue to be signed. We have a customer who requested this, apparently a signer has a conflict of interest and wanted to “opt-out” rather than decline since they don't need all signers to sign, just a majority. And now they have to restart and remove the signer that can’t sign and collect signatures from everyone again.

mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: Optional Signers or Opt-Out Functionality

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Optional signatures are on the road map. I'm not sure when the exact release for these is planned for, but they are planned. I think this would cover this requirement.

byudichak | Posts: 12

Reply to: Optional Signers or Opt-Out Functionality

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Great! Any updates on when this might make it into the product? More and more of our customers are requesting it.

mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: Optional Signers or Opt-Out Functionality

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Unfortunately, it doesn't look like there is a date for it, yet. Keep asking and I'll keep checking. If I happen to see it get planned to a release, I will try to remember to report it in here. :)

byudichak | Posts: 12

Reply to: Optional Signers or Opt-Out Functionality

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O.k. I'll keep asking ;-) Hoping it makes it into a planned release soon. Thanks.

byudichak | Posts: 12

Reply to: Optional Signers or Opt-Out Functionality

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Checking in on this again. We are getting more and more requests for it. Here is an example of a use case. "The documents must be available for all users to approve but only 4 have to sign. It would be nice to have parameters that I can set where all have the option to sign but once 4 have I can mark it completed" So this case may be a little different in that they might not have people actually opting-out so they would need a way to mark it complete after the required number of signatures. But I'd settle for just opting out and keeping the package available to sign at this point. Let me know if you have any upates. Thanks!

byudichak | Posts: 12

Reply to: Optional Signers or Opt-Out Functionality

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We've received yet another request for this. Docusign has the ability to mark a signature as optional although it looks like they still have to take some action to "complete" the package. This would totally work. They also have the ability to "Correct" a package where signing has already started where you can remove people who haven't actually signed up to that point. Any updates on the possibility of optional signers or maybe even "correcting" documents where signing has already started?

byudichak | Posts: 12

Reply to: Optional Signers or Opt-Out Functionality

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Is this still on the roadmap? This is by far the most frequent request we receive.

mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: Optional Signers or Opt-Out Functionality

2 votes
Hey. Sorry for not seeing your last two posts. We had some issues mid-last year, not getting notifications. I will check into this for you.

byudichak | Posts: 12

Reply to: Optional Signers or Opt-Out Functionality

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Hi Michael, Any update on this? Sorry to keep beating a dead horse here. Thanks, Bill

nserror | Posts: 17

Reply to: Optional Signers or Opt-Out Functionality

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I would also like to know if there is any update on this. Becoming quite a popular request.

darrunategui | Posts: 12

Reply to: Optional Signers or Opt-Out Functionality

2 votes
My company also requires this functionality. When we demo'd our application with eSignLive functionality integrated into it, our clients first question was about having someone else take over the signing responsibility. This means that we need to add/remove signers after a document has been partially signed. Is this still in the road map?

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