OliverH | Posts: 28

Is Package Name Unique?

0 votes
We have a scenario that if a customer signed the contract but didn't complete the payment, when the person came back again, he needs to do the whole transaction again. So, for an archived package, can we use the same customId and Package Name? Thank you

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Is Package Name Unique?

1 votes
Hey there, The only id that is unique in OneSpan Sign is the package id. Therefore, you can re-use the same package names, signer ids, and other custom ids. Hope this could help! Duo

Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Is Package Name Unique?

1 votes
Hi, When I was checking with other cases, I found this question: " how to check whether the package name was unique?", which may also interest you. For ad-hoc users, you can type the package name in keyword input box, if there're results show up, have a check whether they are entirely identical and you will find the answer. For integrated users, there's an API call and parameter "search" to check uniqueness:
GET /packages
Optional Query Parameters
search:Any text which is going to be used in conjunction with the searchtype,if provided. Limited to 100 search results at a time.
Then you can loop through the results and check whether there's a package's name completely equals to your keyword. Duo

Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

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