I would like to add a reviewer to my package and enforce a signer workflow, but the reviewer doesn't have to sign anything. Anyone know how I would go about setting this up?
February 2Created
January 21Last Updated
9 years agoLast Reply
zakaria.nasereldine | Posts: 5
Reply to: Package Reviewer
Tuesday, February 2, 2016 at 08:02am
When you add the signers to the package, you need to check the flag "Define a role workflow". The signing order of each signer will appear next to each signer and you can drag and drop the signers to change their signing orders. As for the reviewer, the only difference between a signer and a reviewer is that the signer has signature blocks to sign while the reviewer does not.
By definition a reviewer is a recipient without any signatures.
eSignLive does not require any signing action from reviewers, therefore they are excluded from the signing workflow.
One way to simulate reviewer workflow is to use a disclosure document as follows:
- Create a package and add the needed documents and signers
- Delete the eSign Consent document
- Upload the same consent document and position it first in the list of documents (you can find the eSign Consent document attached to this post)
- Make this document a disclosure by clicking on the document settings icon and add the reviewer to the list of "Acceptors"
- Turn on signing order and place the reviewer and the other signers in the right order
The reviewer in this scenario does not have to sign any documents.
Once he/she accepts the eSign Consent document the workflow will be enforced and the subsequent signer will be notified.
Reply to: Package Reviewer
Tuesday, February 2, 2016 at 08:02amReply to: Package Reviewer
Wednesday, February 3, 2016 at 03:59am