zeeshanshanif | Posts: 31

Popup after signing document

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When I signed the document I see 2 popups (I open document in iframe using signing url) First one for confirm "Please click OK to confirm your signatures to this document or click Cancel to review it again before submission"esinglive_1.PNG and second one for completion and redirect"esinglive_2.png" What I want to do is when I click on first modal(confirm) it will redirect where I want without showing second one using nodejs

mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: Popup after signing document

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There is no auto redirect available, at this time, unfortunately. It is on the road map, but I don't believe it is tied to a specific release, yet. So, currently, you must use the handover URL to redirect the page. This doesn't have to be from the thank you dialog box though. From the desktop view, I think this can be disabled with your code on a package by package basis or by contacting [email protected] and disabling the thank you dialog box for your account. Let me know if you have any questions.

bstavenmsiga-com | Posts: 1

Reply to: Popup after signing document

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Hello, I was told that I could disable the Thank You dialog at the end using the SDK/API, however I am not seeing how. As well this article leads me to believe that I would need to contact support. can you tell me how to do it, or if I need to contact support. -- Brian

mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: Popup after signing document

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If you want to disable it on a package-by-package basis, take a look at this feature guide, from the Guides section: https://developer.esignlive.com/guides/feature-guides/signing-ceremony-customization/ If you want it disabled altogether, it's best to just contact support and have them disable it for your account. Hope this helps.

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