baellin | Posts: 2

Problem with GetPackage: Signer Id vs Role Id

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When I use the .NET SDK version 11.5, I'm have a problems getting the signerId of package signers. What I want to do is this:
  1. call the eslClient.GetPackage(packageId) method to get information about an existing package
  2. get an authorization token, by SignerId, for a signer from the package
Here's the code I'm using:
 var package = eslClient.GetPackage(packageId);
  var signerId = package.Signer[0].Id;    
  var token = eslClient.AuthenticationToken.CreateSignerAuthenticationToken(packageId, signerId); 
And here's the exception I'm getting back:
EslServerException: Could not create a signer authentication token. Exception: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error. HTTP POST on URI Optional details: {"messageKey":"error.internal.default","technical":"No signer found with uid or email signer1","code":500,"name":"Unhandled Server Error","message":"Unexpected error. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you, please try again. If the problem persists, please contact our support team."}]
My initial analysis is this: It appears the the REST API returns two different ids for each signer: the, and the The .NET SDK populates the Signer.Id with the value from the REST API field. However, the CreateSignerAuthenticationToken method is expecting the value from the REST API field. My questions is this:
  1. is this a bug? should the .NET SDK populate the Signer.Id with the field instead of the field?
  2. alternatively, can the SDK be modified so the Signer object has both a RoleId and SignerId property, so that calls like CreateSignerAuthenticationToken that expect signerId can be made to work?
  3. alternatively, am I missing something?
Thanks and regards, Brent Ellingson

harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: Problem with GetPackage: Signer Id vs Role Id

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Hi Brent, The SDK does in fact return the role id instead of the signer id and it is not a bug. Some other calls require the role id instead of the signer id. There are two ways you can get around this issue: 1. Set custom ids to your signers. When you do this, the SDK assigns this custom id to both the role and signer id. 2. The SDK is also open source. So you can modify it to return the signer id instead. Hope this helps.
Haris Haidary OneSpan Technical Consultant

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