ChrsDy | Posts: 3

Release 24.R6 - "Set Signing Order" now defaults to true

1 votes

I believe this is a change introduced with SaaS 2024-October: Release 24.R6 (11.60).  

Now when we create a package using: POST

it sets the signing order to true whereas it used to default to false.

Is this an intended change or a bug? 

Sample payload to /api/packages:

{"status":"DRAFT","name":"Avengers","roles":[{"signers":[{"firstName":"Peter","lastName":"Parker","email":"[email protected]"}],"id":"Signer1"},{"signers":[{"firstName":"Bruce","lastName":"Banner","email":"[email protected]"}],"id":"Signer2"}],"settings":{"ceremony":{}}}

cbush | Posts: 1

Reply to: Release 24.R6 - "Set Signing Order" now defaults to true

0 votes

We're also seeing this behavior and it's breaking our workflow.

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