ktarnowski | Posts: 2

Remove "Exit signing" option in in person signing

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We create a package from our Salesforce API and redirect the user to the signing URL in case of in-person signing.

Is it possible to remove the "Exit Signing" option from the "More Actions" menu?

If not, is it possible to receive a callback once the user clicks "Exit" in the "Exit Signing" popup?

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Remove "Exit signing" option in in person signing

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Hi ktarnowski,


Thanks for your post!

For a real in-person signing scenario -  when all signers and the signing ceremony host are physically at the same device, the "Exit Signing" button is necessary because it's used for returning back to the welcome page (read my blog here for more details) in case the signing ceremony host switched to the wrong signer, or signers changed their mind about signing order. It can cause lack of function without the capability to go back to signer switch page.

From your description, please correct me if I'm wrong, it sounds more like a single signer scenario where you don't have to flag the transaction as in-person and the same code base should still be working. To verify it, I can help you check your transaction settings if you can provide an example package ID.



Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

amunjal | Posts: 30

Reply to: Remove "Exit signing" option in in person signing

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Hi Dua,

Your blog link does not work or is broken.

Regarding the transaction settings: you can check package id: NDMsYEIXsIXLWI-CxYKu2iLsqu4=

So making scenario clear, we let our users to initiate the in-person signing and then pass the device to customer. Now the customer(Signer/Co-Signer) has the device and lets say customer decides to exit the transaction now they see the exit button but exit button does nothing.

In case they go ahead and sign, our integration gets a callback and we close the tab which has the signing ceremony open so they do not have to manually close the tab. BUT when they click exit, nothing happens and they are stuck on that tab. So I was hoping you may have some event notification when they click exit or do something at least when they click exit.

I hope it all make sense.



Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

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Hi Akshay,


Thanks for the information and I've fixed the blog link above.


Now I got a better idea about your workflow after checking in backoffice regarding to your transaction, and the short answer to this post is - the "Exit Signing" button that shouldn't appear when accessing in-person signing through email link, or authentication token of a signer has been removed in 11.43. This has been documented in the release note:

  • PB-74140: Fixed an issue that arose when an in-person transaction was accessed using the Signer Authentication Token of a signer who could not host the session. For this signer, the Exit Signing option should not be available under the More Actions menu, but it was.



Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

ktarnowski | Posts: 2

Reply to: Remove "Exit signing" option in in person signing

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Thanks for the clarifications guys! In such a case, we will just wait for the 11.43 release :) Thanks!

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