nareshishere | Posts: 74

Rest API , match the font of label field to the other fonts in the document

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Is there anyway to match the label font size with the other words . I can see the configuration to change label and form fields , how to see the font size of the other words in the document in sandbox . so that i can match the font .


Thanks in advance!

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

Reply to: Rest API , match the font of label field to the other fonts in the document

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Hi nareshishere,


There's not really a way to check the font size for other words in the document, because OneSpan Sign designer is not a native document/PDF editor that enables you to edit the PDF texts or forms.

From my testing, the font size in OSS system is equivalent to the font size in word, see below screenshot after signing:

So if you are not sure about the font size, you can get the information in other editors and try with different font sizes in Sandbox environment to have a best match.



nareshishere | Posts: 74

Reply to: Rest API , match the font of label field to the other fonts in the document

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what is the font style in oss system . so that i can match the same font style as well.

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

Reply to: Rest API , match the font of label field to the other fonts in the document

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The font style comes with OSS label fields is Arial, see below screenshot from my test:


nareshishere | Posts: 74

Reply to: Rest API , match the font of label field to the other fonts in the document

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i have changed the font Size  in the field formatting ( UI ) but its not reflecting while signing . 

nareshishere | Posts: 74

Reply to: Rest API , match the font of label field to the other fonts in the document

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