cameronofoluwa | Posts: 16

Retrieve Values From Input Fields Using PackageId

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I want to implement some sort of writeback feature for our transactions to update a Salesforce record upon completion.

Is it possible, once we've identified that a package has been completed, we can query using the packageId the values that a client has inputted into their transaction?

I'll have around 14 different input fields and these all need mapping to individual fields in Salesforce.

Cheers in advance,


cameronofoluwa | Posts: 16

Reply to: Retrieve Values From Input Fields Using PackageId

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EDIT: Is it possible to have an input field and a text field, and when a user starts typing in the input field, the text field also updates with the value?


Context. we ask a client for their ID and need to display the ID further down too, and want to refrain from asking for this ID twice

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