rajiv.nagpur | Posts: 24

Retrieving transaction reports using REST API

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Hi Duo,

Happy New year greetings to you and your family! 

I have a question about retrieving transaction reports, I am retrieving a completion report of transactions in status ‘All’ for the following date range: 01/01/2021 to 01/23/2022, I am using the GET API call through Postman: https://sandbox.e-signlive.ca/api/reports/completion?status=&from=2021-01-01Z&to=2022-01-23Z, I am able to retrieve the report successfully, please find it attached for your reference, but is there a way I can add/remove columns from the report? For e.g., for declined transactions, I would like to see a column for ‘Declined Reason’ in the report which isn’t there. Otherwise, too, I would like to know whether there is a way to customize your own report based on your need versus just retrieving a pre-defined one, please advise.

Thank you,


rajiv.nagpur | Posts: 24

Reply to: Retrieving transaction reports using REST API

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.csv file attached

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Retrieving transaction reports using REST API

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Hey Rajiv,


It's always nice to hear from you! 

Not sure if you are aware of a new feature "In-App Report" which was introduced in 11.41, which is a valuable tool for customers, for it enables them to easily:

  • Track account-related costs (e.g., transactions, documents, KBA, SMS), so they can better manage their budgets.

  • Calculate their Return on Investment, which can be used to champion the solution and thus increase its adoption.

  • Track the adoption rate, which could provide insights into actionable improvements.

  • Track the Transaction Cycle Time, which could enable customers to improve process efficiency and thereby lower costs and increase revenue.

  • Calculate the Transaction Completion Rate, which could enable customers to increase the completion rate and thereby increase sales.

  • Monitor the status of transactions for follow-up with signers, which should lower the Transaction Cycle Time.

With all these advantages, this report also includes a column of decline reason. I've also attached an example for your reference.



rajiv.nagpur | Posts: 24

Reply to: Retrieving transaction reports using REST API

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Thank you very much Duo for your prompt response! Likewise, it is always nice to hear from you.

I am in the account's dashboard, I am looking at the reports tab, I am just seeing the usage summary, transaction reports, and account reports, I am not sure if this new feature is enabled for the account I am working on. Is it enabled by default or does OSS support enable it for a customer based on request? 

Also, I need to retrieve it using REST API, I am using the GET API call through Postman: https://sandbox.e-signlive.ca/api/reports/, can you please provide me with the exact REST API call for this new feature?


Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Retrieving transaction reports using REST API

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Hi Rajiv,


If you can find the "transaction reports" and "account reports" options, I believe the feature has turned on in your account. Select Transaction Report and you'll find a list of reports there:

From API's perspective, you can first retrieve a list of available reports, then download them in csv format with this call.



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