dcarney | Posts: 27

Save Progress during signing

0 votes

Hi. Is there a configuration setting that we could enable where a signer could fill out a document, then save their progress, then subsequently come back to finish filling it out and complete signing?

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Save Progress during signing

0 votes

Hi Dan,


Thanks for your post!

This feature is enabled by default - During the signing ceremony, when a signer clicked on the text field and changed the form value, at the moment when the mouse lost focus from text field, the text field value will be synced to OneSpan Sign server and therefore the progress will be saved.



dcarney | Posts: 27

Reply to: Save Progress during signing

0 votes

Oh nice, that's great, thank you Duo!

Hello! Looks like you're enjoying the discussion, but haven't signed up for an account.

When you create an account, we remember exactly what you've read, so you always come right back where you left off