r_bakker_sping_nl | Posts: 5

Sending mail from other domain

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Hi, My customer wants to be able to send the invitation mails for the signing ceremony from their own domain. I did find the call the get the signing url: https://docs.esignlive.com/content/c_integrator_s_guide/rest_api/signing_url.htm Is there also a way to avoid e-siginlive to send a mail? rergards, Robert

Approved Answer
harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: Sending mail from other domain

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Sure. You can send support a request to turn off all emails from your account and then you can deliver the signing url in however method you wish :)
Haris Haidary OneSpan Technical Consultant

harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: Sending mail from other domain

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Hi Robert, You can either go with an SMTP or DKIM setup. Both of which have their pros and cons. SMTP: Is a free service and all you need to do is send our support team ([email protected]) an email with your SMTP information (host, port, username, etc..). However, this configuration will not be able to handle bounce back emails. You will have to manage this on your end. DKIM: Offers additional security to emails and can handle bounce back emails. However, this is a paid service. You will need to contact your Customer Success Representative ([email protected]) for more information on the fees. Hope this helps.
Haris Haidary OneSpan Technical Consultant

r_bakker_sping_nl | Posts: 5

Reply to: Sending mail from other domain

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Hi Haris, Thanks for the swift response. So there is a way to send from the customer domain; but is there also a way not to mail at all? So grab the signing url from the API and distribute it in some other way to the signing user? (e.g form a mobile app, or through a push message? regards, Robert

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