Cata | Posts: 7

Set Expiring date for package through REST API

0 votes
Hi, I am trying to find out how to set the package expiration date through REST API. I could only find how to do it through SDK, but not through REST API.

Approved Answer
harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: Set Expiring date for package through REST API

1 votes
To set an expiry date with REST API, you will need to add the "due" property when building your json payload to create a package. You can find an example below:
   "name": "My Document",
   "description":"New Package",
    "due": "2016-09-26"
I apologize if this wasn't clear in the documentation. You will see some changes very soon as documentation is one of our priorities.

zakaria.nasereldine | Posts: 5

Reply to: Set Expiring date for package through REST API

0 votes
To have it with date and time "due": "2016-09-26T04:00:00Z", which sets the expiry date to 26th of September 2016 at 4:00 a.m. GMT Regards Zak

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