cindy | Posts: 381

shared layouts

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I have the question regarding layout after transferring ownership


sender UI account "A" as the owner, sender UI account "B" as the sender under "A"

1) "A" creates the layouts and make those layouts as shared

After transferring the ownership: now B is the owner, and A is the sender under B:

both A and B can't see any layouts created/shared before anymore, is it expected?

2) "A" has 3 packages in the inbox, and "B" has 2 packages in its inbox

After transferring the ownership: now B is the owner, and A is the sender under B:

there are no packages in either account "A" or "B" is it expected?




Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: shared layouts

0 votes

Hi Cindy,


With some quick tests in Sandbox environment, both behaviors should not be expected - both ongoing transactions and layouts should not be missing. If you can reproduce the issue in your on-premises environment, please kindly report this to our support team.



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