cindy | Posts: 381

sms page customization

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I am wondering if SMS page (attached) has resource file associate with, can we customize the wording?

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: sms page customization

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Hi Cindy,


Check this resource "ui.messages" > attribute "esl.auth_sms.enter_sms_passcode" for classic Signing Ceremony, and attribute "guest_auth.sms.enter_sms_passcode" for mobile Signing Ceremony.



cindy | Posts: 381

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got it. thanks.

by the way, do you know if there is way for admin (back office) to delete the sender account (invited by emai)? as for as I known, admin can't delete the owner account created by admin, is it still true?



cindy | Posts: 381

Reply to: sms page customization

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Hi Duo,

I tried in our on-prem version 11.25, it seems only classic UI one is working, but "guest_auth.sms.enter_sms_passcode" for mobile signing is not working. 

by the way, do you know which variables can be used in that message? from default, it seems package owner name and package name are there, what else?




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