Melissa_Kim | Posts: 16

Tamper-proof seal in Evidence Summary page

0 votes

Hi guys, 

Our user said they need a stamp to say a tamper-proof seal is contained within the document.

Can I get support for this feature? Please check the attached file.




Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

Reply to: Tamper-proof seal in Evidence Summary page

0 votes

Hi Melissa,


Thanks for the post!

OneSpan Sign does provide the capability to customize the content and terminology in Evidence Summary. For example, if to show/hide pacakge/sender/signer/document/audit sections, if to show or customize logo, title or footer, and to rebrand each labels.

However, from the best of my knowledge, the evidence summary doesn't provide a similar declaration like the screenshot you showcased. You might want to further consult the OneSpan Sign E-Signature Legality Guide for similar declaration, and utilize the current customization options to include the context/link to the evidence summary.



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