cindy | Posts: 381


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Hi, when we create the package or upload the new document, I got 'error.validation.unsupportedFileType' error? in which scenarios, this error will throw? thanks, Cindy

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: unsupportedFileType

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Hi Cindy,

OneSpan Sign utilizes third party library to determine the file type from received byte array, instead of simply checking the extension from file name.

If you received the "error.validation.unsupportedFileType" error message, it mostly likely that the actual uploaded file was outside the supported list ("pdf", "doc", "rtf", "odt", "txt", "docx"), or was failed to detected as one of the list.

For this specific case, if you can collect the actual uploaded document from the client, we can further analyze the failure reason.


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