cindy | Posts: 381

sender onbehalf in sender UI

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I am a bit confused about  “Delegation” scenario vs sender onbehalf owner scenario, are those 2 different thing? 

For example,

In the sender UI, I login A's account, and manage the transaction for B with delegation enabled, when A create the package from B’s account, the package owner is still B.


In the API scenario, we tried to put A as the sender on behalf of B when creating the package, the package owner is A.

in the sender UI, how can I perform OnBehalf of scenario? 





Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: sender onbehalf in sender UI

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Hi Cindy,


From my understanding, both Delegation and "Send On Behalf Of" should have the same effect: A creates transaction on behalf of B, see below table:



So are you saying that when you use A's API Key, with below code, B is not assigned to be the owner and the transaction doesn't show up in B's dashboard?
DocumentPackage pkg1 = PackageBuilder.newPackageNamed("Test Package - " + System.currentTimeMillis())


                                                            .withSenderInfo(SenderInfoBuilder.newSenderInfo("B's email"))




cindy | Posts: 381

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No, I mean I used API with B's account, and put sender email/name as A (A is onbehalf of B), A is the package owner, as i received the email from A (assume email from field is package owner emai)

but in the senderUI, when I login as A, and A onbehalf of B to create the package, the package owner is still B, since I got the email from B

that's why seems not consistant.




Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: sender onbehalf in sender UI

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I see what you mean. With API, you must in a scenario that all senders use a common API Key which belongs to the account owner. 

If you want to do exactly the same from UI, you need to let your sender log onto account owner's dashboard and access their own's via delegation, but I doubt it's necessary since they can have their own password. Only know password, not the API Key is consistent to most real scenarios.



cindy | Posts: 381

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With API, you must in a scenario that all senders use a common API Key which belongs to the account owner. 

Cindy: I don't get what you mean? in API call scenario, I used the owner API key (in the header) to create the package, with sender email as onBehalf, did I do right?

My question is originally I thought the OnbehalfOf (API) and sender UI delegation are the same thing, but from test result it seems not. am I right?

from my testing via API and sender UI, I tested the same way theoretically, but the result is different. 


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