15 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
Using REST API to create the package along with the documents and return a response package id. After that, we initiate a REST API signerAuthenticationToken passing packageId and email address of the signer which then redirect to an iframe to begin the signing ceremony.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We have been using oneSpan for around 2 years now and we weren't facing any issues with adding documents to a package but recently when we're trying to add certain pdfs, we are getting an error - "The number of Pre-Verify results does not match the number of documents that were sent for verificat
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
The customer keeps getting random OneSpan signature failures when users try to send a document for signature. The same transaction works sometime and not others.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I am having some issues when trying to add a document as binary data to a package
Our pdf's are in base64 data so we need to convert this data to binary data but we always get this error when we are trying to create new package(POST /api/packages):
Forum topic
OneSpan Identity Verification
When I create a transaction (using the https://gs.onespan.cloud/rpoc-saa endpoint) I get back a token as expected.
First off, the token contains an access URL that does not work (it uses the wrong endpoint: https://salesdemo-dealflo.uat.eu1.tid.onespan.cloud).