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OneSpan Sign
Hello eSignLive Team
Has there been any recent changes to the API to support different time zones for signing date timestamp. Currently, we see GMT only.
Appreciate your help.
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OneSpan Sign
We have a workflow where we wish to print a 'name' and the 'date' on the completed document after all signatories have signed. Is there a way to accomplish this preferably using the .NET SDK.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Is there a REST call that can make a package expire on demand.
I am aware of expiry dates field , but I need a REST call that I can make when I need to based on some business logic.
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OneSpan Sign
Is there a way to create a single label field without having to associate it to a signer/role?
Lets say that I want to create a date label that shows up on a document but not have it tied to any specific signer. Is this possible?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Are there any utilities for purging expired eSignLive packages? In other words, is there anyway we could have you purge packages that are older than a certain specified number of days? Or maybe purge all packages created before a certain date?
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OneSpan Sign
Hi -
Can someone confirm to me what the state a completed transaction inherits once its retention date expires? apparently they are deleted after retention period expires rather than archive?
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OneSpan Sign
Hi Duo,
Do you have an example of how we can use the APEX SDK to set the expiry date?
Also, looking for a method to extend the time for an expired package?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I tried the using the following but the code is a bit dated.
How to add Signatures required for the document?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
currently the first name, last name, and date are placed in the signature block. Can other data also be placed there, specifically the signer's title? Can this be placed with the signature or can it be placed in another location? Is this a back office setting? Can this be done through the api?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Recently when we generated reports, we found out there's one package with updated date in the time range, but not returned by the API "/api/packages?from=&to=&lastUpdatedStartDate=&lastUpdatedEndDate=", why it happened?