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OneSpan Sign
Since we have a bulk Add, is there any possibility to create a Bulk Remove/Delete?
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OneSpan Sign
Hi is there a way to add information to the signature reason that is shown on the PDF when viewing the signature properties?
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OneSpan Sign
Is there a limit to how many signers you can add to a transaction?What about for bulk sign?
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OneSpan Sign
We are trying to create fields which signer can add values to do it via PHP. is there any full documentation for that?
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OneSpan Sign
Hello, is there a way to add a user to the platform by specifying the language? Is it through the "Bulk Invite Sender Tool" or through the front?thanks
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OneSpan Sign
HI there,
I wondering if there is a feature in OneSpan signing which allows for Signer to add document to the transaction.
Please advice.
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OneSpan Sign
Is it possible to add a document in a transaction just for information in addition to a document to be signed (we don't want to use the accept only option) ?
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OneSpan Sign
We have a client asking whether we can add a SMART Note that was generated by another system into OneSpan Sign's eVault Manager. Is that possible at the moment?
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OneSpan Sign
Might be a dumb question - are email addresses required for signers?
Can you add a signer without an email address to an in-person ceremony?
Thanks. -- Bryan
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Is it possible to change the email attributes which is sent to the recipients:
Email Subject
Can I add a user for CC in the email (UserName and Email).