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Intelligent Adaptive Authentication
Hi All,
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OneSpan Sign
I am trying to CreatePackage and upload using Rest APIs.
Below is my JSON String and attached is the PDF. This used to work in may 2017. Now the PDF file is getting flattened ignoring signature blocks.
Are there any changes post may 2017 for JSON payout for CreatePackage and Upload.
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OneSpan Identity Verification
Dear Support Team,
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Intelligent Adaptive Authentication
The sandbox documentation is available in an OpenAPI format. You can simply find it by going to the following URL: https://<tenant-id>.sdb.tid.onespan.cloud/v1/tid-api.json.
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OneSpan Sign
I have requirement like while sending package creation request for in person now email triggering but i don't want to get any email for in person now so for this what changes are required in request json.
Please share your thought on this.
sample request is::
"trashed": "true",
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hello! Thank you for reading my post.
My understanding is that the notification email (email.notify) is the only email template that can be triggered programatically from the eSignLive system. I had a few questions on this functionality:
Question 1.
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OneSpan Identity Verification
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OneSpan Sign
thanks Haris for your input, my next step is to simulate the workflow and working on a POC using SOAPUI ( a freeware I use to test REST services ).
The workflow is straight forward:
1. Create a Package and Send the PDF . Read the Response PackageId
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I use the event notifier with a Iframe (https://community.onespan.com/documentation/onespan-sign/codeshare/esignlive-event-notifier) for couple years in my projet and when I have configure it initially the event to check for completion was ESL:MESSAGE:SUCCESS:SIGNER_COMPLETE.