172 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
Getting error when create package when read file from server.
Working Code: When read file from local machine
var options = {
'method': 'POST',
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OneSpan Sign
Hi eSignLive Team,
I am working on an integration between eSign Live and Ebix Inc.
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OneSpan Sign
I was reading through the blog found at: https://www.esignlive.com/blog/esignlive-tls-support/, and what I would like to know does the 10.13 (.Net) SDK support TLS 1.2?
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OneSpan Sign
I am tryng to change my working code from uploading a single PDF containing a "stage" of forms to upload each form selected from the "stage" as a PDF.
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OneSpan Sign
Below are the step we use for hand drawn signature capture using api
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OneSpan Sign
I have been trying to upload multiple documents with a post request to '/api/packages' (the sandbox) url and getting getting the error indicating the number of documents sent in the payload is different from what I attached,
Could have a look at the code and let me know, what I am missing?
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OneSpan Sign
I am working on a scenario where I need to send a package for eSign on behalf of a sender from an "account" different from that of the Sender.
Each package could have different sender or I can use a sender that I used in an earlier package.
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OneSpan Sign
I was trying the below code snipped
To upload documents to packages,
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OneSpan Sign
In our software we generate a package in the background then display an IFrame to the URL created with the package from the .net SDK. Right now I have only seen this in your sandbox.
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OneSpan Sign
I'm trying to send an extra document to an existing package (with no document) using the REST API endpoint /api/packages/{packageId}/documents.
Doing so returns me a "406 Not Acceptable" error, which doesn't tell me much on what is wrong.