Error - Number of uploaded files does not match number of documents specified in
Thursday, April 27, 2017 at 12:13amHI everyone during my integration I got stuck with this error> I wanted to create a package upload a file and add signatories.
{ "messageKey": "error.validation.package.wrongNumberOfFiles", "technical": "Number of uploaded files does not match number of documents specified in package.", "message": "Number of uploaded files does not match number of documents specified in package.", "code": 400, "name": "Validation Error" }Here is the JSON payload I was using
{ "roles ": [ { "locked ": false, "emailMessage ": { "content ": " " }, "attachmentRequirements ": [ ], "reassign ": false, "specialTypes ": [ ], "id ": "Sender ", "data ": null, "type ": "SIGNER ", "index ": 0, "signers ": [ { "auth ": { "challenges ": [ ], "scheme ": "NONE " }, "company ": "IBM ", "firstName ": "Leon ", "lastName ": "Dong ", "phone ": " ", "email ": "[email protected] ", "knowledgeBasedAuthentication ": null, "language ": "en ", "title ": "IBM ", "external ": null, "professionalIdentityFields ": [ ], "userCustomFields ": [ ], "delivery ": { "email ": true, "provider ": false, "download ": true }, "group ": null, "signature ": null, "address ": null, "data ": null, "name ": " ", "specialTypes ": [ ] } ], "name ": "Sender " }, { "locked ": false, "emailMessage ": { "content ": " " }, "attachmentRequirements ": [ ], "reassign ": false, "specialTypes ": [ ], "id ": "Signer ", "data ": null, "type ": "SIGNER ", "index ": 0, "signers ": [ { "auth ": { "challenges ": [ ], "scheme ": "NONE " }, "company ": " ", "firstName ": "Will ", "lastName ": "Smith ", "phone ": " ", "email ": "[email protected] ", "knowledgeBasedAuthentication ": null, "language ": "en ", "title ": " ", "external ": null, "professionalIdentityFields ": [ ], "userCustomFields ": [ ], "delivery ": { "email ": false, "provider ": false, "download ": false }, "group ": null, "id ": "Signer ", "signature ": null, "address ": null, "data ": null, "name ": " ", "specialTypes ": [ ] } ], "name ": "Signer " } ], "documents ": [ { "approvals ": [ { "role ": "Signer ", "signed ": null, "accepted ": null, "data ": null, "fields ": [ { "page ": 0, "subtype ": "FULLNAME ", "width ": 200, "binding ": null, "extract ": false, "extractAnchor ": null, "left ": 175, "top ": 165, "validation ": null, "height ": 50, "data ": null, "type ": "SIGNATURE ", "value ": " " } ], "name ": " " }, { "role ": "Sender ", "signed ": null, "accepted ": null, "data ": null, "fields ": [ { "page ": 0, "subtype ": "FULLNAME ", "width ": 200, "binding ": null, "extract ": false, "extractAnchor ": null, "left ": 550, "top ": 165, "validation ": null, "height ": 50, "data ": null, "type ": "SIGNATURE ", "value ": " " } ], "name ": " " } ], "name ": "eSign Agreement " } ], "name ": "eSignature Test ", "type ": "PACKAGE ", "language ": "en ", "emailMessage ": " ", "description ": "New Package ", "autoComplete ": true, "status ": "SENT " }Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks.
Reply to: Error - Number of uploaded files does not match number of documents specified in
Thursday, April 27, 2017 at 08:25amReply to: Error - Number of uploaded files does not match number of documents specified in
Monday, December 28, 2020 at 09:29am{
"messageKey": "error.validation.documentPreVerifyInvalidResponseNumberError",
"code": 400,
"parameters": {
"errorException": "number of documents that need verification = 2, number of verification results = 0"
"message": "The number of Pre-Verify results does not match the number of documents that were sent for verification.",
"name": "Validation Error"
"type": "PACKAGE",
"status": "SENT",
"roles": [
"id": "Signer1",
"type": "SIGNER",
"signers": [
"email": "[email protected]",
"firstName": "SIGNER_FIRST_NAME",
"lastName": "SIGNER_LAST_NAME",
"id": "Signer1"
"name": "Package -v1",
"documents": [
"extract": true,
"name": "Sample Agreement",
"id": "poc-agreement-one",
"data": {
"esl_doc_extract_type": 1
I got above error, Can you tell me what we need to or anything missing from my side?
Reply to: { "messageKey": "error…
Monday, December 28, 2020 at 10:17amHi kpulivarthi,
I did a quick test with the JSON you provided and a PDF containing text tags, and the JSON looks good to me. Hence I think it could be related to the uploaded document.
Which environment are you developing with? US2 sandbox ( vs CA sandbox (, etc? Is it possible that you shared the uploaded document (without personal information) to [email protected] so that I can look closer at the issue?
Reply to: Error - Number of uploaded files does not match number of documents specified in
Friday, April 23, 2021 at 10:00amA question, I want to test this request against my sandbox in this way., I am recovering the document from an aws s3 and I send it doing an equivalent in php it works but from where I need it which is in node, it does not work that I can have it wrong.
JSON: {"name":"TiendaSeguros_747597225081986_106","description":"TiendaSeguros_747597225081986_58","emailMessage":"TiendaSeguros_747597225081986_58","autocomplete":true,"type":"PACKAGE","visibility":"ACCOUNT","due":null,"language":"es","status":"SENT","documents":[{"fields":[{"value":"58","name":"poliza"},{"value":"Antecedentes Personales","name":"ramo"},{"value":"08","name":"dia"},{"value":"04","name":"mes"},{"value":"2021","name":"anio"},{"value":"C\u00e9sar Bianco","name":"nombresSignerTop"},{"value":"C\u00e9sar Bianco","name":"nombresSignerBottom"},{"value":"C.E.","name":"td"},{"value":"747597225081986","name":"documento"},{"value":"1","name":"NroCuenta"},{"value":"Banco Davivienda","name":"entidadBancaria"},{"value":"Ahorro","name":"tipoCuenta"}],"extract":true,"extractionTypes":["TEXT_TAGS"],"name":"Firma Cliente"}],"roles":[{"id":"Signer1","index":0,"type":"SIGNER","data":null,"reassign":false,"deliverDocumentsByEmail":false,"emailMessage":{"content":"ACCIDENTES PERSONALES"},"attachmentRequirements":[],"specialTypes":[],"locked":false,"signers":[{"address":null,"company":"","timezoneId":"","created":"2021-04-09T17:49:34Z","email":"[email protected]","firstName":"C\u00e9sar","lastName":"Bianco","id":"Signer1","external":null,"language":"es","phone":"","professionalIdentityFields":[],"signature":null,"title":"","updated":"2021-04-09T17:49:34Z","userCustomFields":[],"specialTypes":[],"passwordTimestamp":null,"group":null,"data":null,"auth":{"scheme":"NONE"},"knowledgeBasedAuthentication":null,"delivery":{"provider":false,"download":false,"email":false},"signerType":"EXTERNAL_SENDER","ssoConfigured":false,"name":""}],"name":"Signer1"}]}
var options = {
method: 'post',
url: "",
headers: {
"Authorization": "Bearer 178ff11db550a5a712d58cf0817598",
"Accept": "application/json;",
"Accept-Encoding":"gzip, deflate, br",
"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data; boundary=\"----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW\"",
formData: {
payload: json,
file: {
value: document,
options: { filename: 'FirmaClienteSaludConDebito.pdf', contentType: null }
let requestOneSpan =, function(error, response, body) {
if I change the reading of the file and read it from my local, if it works
{"messageKey":"error.validation.documentPreVerifyInvalidResponseNumberError","parameters":{"errorException":"number of documents that need verification = 2, number of verification results = 0"},"message":"The number of Pre-Verify results does not match the number of documents that were sent for verification.","code":400,"name":"Validation Error"}
Reply to: A question, I want to…
Sunday, April 25, 2021 at 07:25pmHi csar,
Could you either capture the outbound raw request body, or print the variable "document" to the console? If I understand you correctly, essentially you meant it worked when the "document" was read from a local PDF, but didn't work when reading it from aws s3? I think the error message you received from OneSpan Sign API also confirmed that - the actual uploaded documents don't match the expected number.