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OneSpan Sign
following the documentation here (http://docs.e-signlive.com/mc/content/c_esignlive_integrator_s_guide/sdk/l_esignlive_mobile_sdk/esignlive_mobile_sdk.htm?_ga=1.160581373.1707062570.1464967640) it provides a link to download the IOS mobile SDK.
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OneSpan Sign
Getting the below error for the url path- https://sandbox.esignlive.com/api/packages , https://apps.esignlive.com.au/api/packages.
ORA-29273: HTTP request failed
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1130
ORA-29024: Certificate validation failure
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We have integrated our salesforce application with onespan using APEX SDK for our signature use cases.
During our signature request, we need user to input their tax number, for that we are passing following expression which works fine:
But, w
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OneSpan Sign
Hi everyone,
We are working to integrate OneSpan with Pega application in order to manage the Customer Digital Onboarding process.
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OneSpan Sign
We are using the REST API service for eSignLive Integration. Observed that, sign navigation is not being displayed for IOS Device in Safari browser and received the update that this is known issue and will be addressed in Q4 .
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OneSpan Sign
I'm referencing the custom signing ceremony settings, in an attempt to customize the Thank You dialog content.
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OneSpan Sign
I am looking over this page on the package settings for when we need to have a SMART Note created.
Here it says that we need to include the following two fields.
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OneSpan Sign
What is the recommended way to be able to rapidly develop and iterate on a series of forms we're using for application integration, then be able to deploy them to a production instance?
I tried the tool recommended by OneSpan's phone support at https://developer.esignlive.com/code-share/esignlive-c
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OneSpan Sign
I have a requirement to set the package expiry date during creation of the package itself.
The problem is I cannot identify the suitable Json field where the expiry date can be set so that Onespan can automatically take the necessary actions on it.
The java sdk has the solution.