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OneSpan Sign
My scenario is, we want to customize the emails send to signers so that the link is not sent in the email and they are just provided with instructions to login into our application to do so.
Now, my question is, after creating package we have received packageId.
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OneSpan Sign
Is there an option to make a package view only? This would be the final document our users see in our application and they do not need to sign or accept.
We are hoping to use eSign for all our document viewing needs.
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OneSpan Sign
Hey guys.
I'm developing a connector with Digibee as listener of the Callback Event Trigger, although event after providing the API Key in the Callback Key field, the Callback event is getting 401 Unauthorized.
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OneSpan Sign
Does eSignLive provide any mechanism (feed / API, etc.) to export out the statistics at an account level (e.g. # of packages created per sender, datestamp signed, etc.).
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OneSpan Sign
Currently in our PDFs for Lending purposes we often have predefined signature fields on the form for up to 4 parties, although in a typical application , we may not always have 4 parties.
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OneSpan Sign
I have downloaded the new SDK version 11 and installed it in my application. I have updated my api key to the new one I received when I created a new sandbox account. I have updated my code to call the designer and signing urls.
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OneSpan Sign
One of our clients tells us they want us to capture the IP of the signer. While we could make our best attempt to do this through our application, I can concerned about remote signing since this is not under our control.
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OneSpan Sign
Our application is not seeing the thank you page in the desktop (iframe) ux.
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OneSpan Sign
We are integrating eSignLive with an application in our organization and came to know that a shared email address is required for integration.
If yes, please advise if
a) There is any specific naming convention required for the email address
b) Do I need to mention any size limit for receiv
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OneSpan Sign
I'm creating an application to get all packages for an account with a date range.
I'm using the following call
Page completed_packages = eslClient.PackageService.GetUpdatedPackagesWithinDateRange(DocumentPackageStatus.COMPLETED, new PageRequest(index, 50), from, to);