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OneSpan Sign
While using Mobile Capture way of Signing approach, We get the signature placeholder right at the top of the document. It’s not in the place where we had placed it in the document.
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OneSpan Sign
I am uploading PDF via REST API PHP, along with signer users.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi Team,
I need to pass a custom field while creating a package. But the custom field is showing in the document while signing, since I have mentioned it as Type:"INPUT", SubType:"CustomField". But, I should not be showing the field to user while signing the document.
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OneSpan Sign
I have a transaction I'm creating in C# based on using at template. The consent agreement and document to be signed are in the template. I can create the transaction from the template no problem, but once it's created i want to update the value of a label field that's in the first doc
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OneSpan Sign
Is it possible to add a field to allow users to input a job position? And make it a required field?
I'm struggling to find a TYPE & SUBTYPE to support this requirement.
Thanks in advance,
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OneSpan Sign
Not sure when this change was made, but previously in the designer view, adding Signature fields would show the signers name on the field itself. But now it no longer shows a name and appears to be color coded to the signers displayed on the left.
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OneSpan Sign
I have a document that has got like 200 fields.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi Team,
Could you please help us in getting the .NET SDK code to create a Notary enabled transaction and adding the associated fields like Notary seal, Notary expiry and other Notary-related fields.
This request is from Otis-Elevator.
Let me know if you have any questions.
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OneSpan Sign
Currently in our PDFs for Lending purposes we often have predefined signature fields on the form for up to 4 parties, although in a typical application , we may not always have 4 parties.
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OneSpan Sign
Is there anyway to match the label font size with the other words . I can see the configuration to change label and form fields , how to see the font size of the other words in the document in sandbox . so that i can match the font .
Thanks in advance!