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OneSpan Sign
I am trying out the Text Tags for configuring the signing over the API and getting this error as I try to create the package and send.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Executing a ./api/packages/ POST which includes a status update along with the "data" node. I cannot find the max length of this node. I'm pretty sure I am hitting the max since this is the response I am receiving.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi Team,
We are able to successfully upload a single document while creating a package .
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Guys -
I have a document with 4 signature fields. When I tried to combine the fields for the one signer, it didn't work. Do we have to create a new approval for each new field that we are trying to sign? If not, can I get a JSON Package example of how to do it since mine isn't working.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
The Redirect URL is getting some values appended to it by OSS. Something like this pattern: ?package=[packageID]&signer=[signerID]&status=COMPLETED
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We are using the completion report API to retrieve the completed transactions from all senders. Using this (/api/reports/completion?status=COMPLETED&from=2020-03-01&to=2020-05-13), service did not return all of the senders (only 49 out of 146). It also did not return
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OneSpan Sign
I created two procedures in the same package which includes REST API. One procedure includes rest api to attach a report say ABC and in 2nd procedure another report XYZ is attached to esign portal.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I have created a .Net web application to receive posts from the eSignLive server to handle event notifications (PACKAGE_CREATED, DOCUMENT_SIGNED, etc.) I am successfully receiving the events, parsing the Json posted to me, and handling the events.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hello. This is not working. I tried below code and get this error message. I am trying to download an in progress transaction since this cannot be done in the UI. I tried the below code but am getting the below error message.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hello,I have been trying to test the Download Documents zip REST API and it's not working. I've tried through the sandbox and also via postman but I keep getting the following error: