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OneSpan Sign
Hi ,
How can i disable the sandbox logo in signed pdf documents for your reference attaching screenshot.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi Experts,
We have a use case where in client doesn't want to use the UI for signing.
Once an approval step is completed in the BPM, it needs to complete signing without the user having to go to eSignLive.
We need :
1. Sample code for programmatically completing signing.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We need to remove the ability for users to download the signed PDF through the web interface, both via the emailed signature request and the browser based version (using host/access?sessionToken={mytoken}).
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I noticed that there are 2 back office setting for in person signing, our requirement is hiding the package owner when signing.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hello Folks
We have a question regarding the image of the signature when signing. Is the image saved in eSignLive for re-use on the next signing?
If yes, how do we enable and use this feature?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I noticed there is a method in iOS mobile sdk, allows to sign with session token.
I am wondering if it is possible to use our server API to get that session token from eSignLive server and pass it down to mobile apps?
I know this sounds weird b/c we should have one session token per session (be
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi folks,
I am curious in case I create a transaction that comprises multiple documents and to be forwarded to multiple signers(recipients) what option do I have for the following case"
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
My scenario is, we want to customize the emails send to signers so that the link is not sent in the email and they are just provided with instructions to login into our application to do so.
Now, my question is, after creating package we have received packageId.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I've come across a situation where a signers signing status for a particular document does not get updated when the document is declined.
It can be reproduced as follows:
1. Create a package with 1 document and 1 signer.
2. Enter the signing ceremony and decline the document.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I have experienced that if I receive an eSignature mail requesting my signature, I can forward that mail to another person (not any delegation, just forwarding the mail) and this person can expand the eSignature link, get my signature fields displayed and completed with "click-to-sign".