83 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
I am running into an issue when using a layout that was created with placeholders that specify both an ID and a description. The layout can be successfully created and viewed, but the layout cannot be applied to a package.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I would like to request an enhancement that would only allow a user that is defined as either an Owner or Manager to the "Save Layout" button. We have one area that creates and manages the Layouts for the documents we are utilizing for eSign.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Please note that we are currently using .NET SDK to integrate with OneSpan and need to load layouts for sender accounts. Each sender is identified by their email address.
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OneSpan Sign
Good day,
I am using postman and have a few routines using the (CA) Sandbox API key and query layouts by email ID, which was working.
I have another routine where I can delete the layout based on the ID copied from the routine described in the previous line.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
When I create a package from a PDF document and combine the EnableExtraction() calls to extract form field positions, and I add an .WithInjectedField() clause, I do not get any data injected in the static fields.
I now have to do it in 2 steps:
1) Create a layout from the PDF with EnableExtraction
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
During our testing of the new Version 11 enviornment we’ve Identified some enhancement requests that we would like to put out on the table.
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OneSpan Sign
I am trying to use ceremony settings in salesforce to customize various options, but they do not seem to render.
Please help me understand what i am missing. I could not find appropriate documentation for each node.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I have used the copy tool and would like to have the ability to also delete templates and layouts in each of our accounts? The LOB would like the ability to be able to clean up the templates and layouts in their account.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I followed the instructions to copy the layout/templates from the Sandbox to Prod environment and received the message that they were successfully copied. However, when I log into the account in PROD, the layout/templates are not there. I have attached a screenshot of the message